Pool Algicide
Pool Algicide is a 20% Quat Algicide designed as a inexpensive and efficient algicide to help any green pool
Sizes – 2L 5L

Blackspot & Longlife Algicide
This copper based algicide is ideal for treatment of blackspot, mustard algae or just protecting a pool against algae. With 50g/L of copper this is the algicide that really packs a punch!
Sizes – 1L 5L (20L available upon request)

The allround Clarifier! Ideal for a sand filter or to add to the pool just before a bbq!.
Sizes – 1L 5L

The easy to use flocculant! Simply add to the pool turn the filter off and watch the particles drop.
Sizes – 1L

Saf T Cell
With Saf-T-Cell cleaner the job of cleaning a salt cell is made safe for both the cell and the user.
Sizes – 5L

Aquashield 3
This 3in1 product can solve many problems in your pool! It is a ‘Salt Cell Protector’, a ‘Scale Controller’ and a ‘Metal Magnet’
Sizes – 1L

Tile & Vinyl Cleaner
A multi purpose cleaner to remove stubborn scum lines from your pool or spa
Sizes – 750ml